There was a soft knocking at my back door. I knew who it was, she’d been lurking, dropping hints and calling cards of tinged leaves and cool mornings. I opened the door and in she wafted with the unmistakable scent of moist earth and mushrooms. And then she settled in with her lovely gifts of pumpkins and gourds too decorate and cozy up all the corners of my home. Welcome Autumn.
For many, autumn is their favorite season. There is something so appealing about a warm hearth, heartier meals, cooler days and of course the glorious colors of the turning deciduous trees. It’s hard to resist. It’s the season of apple and pumpkin – everything. The season of our quiet retreat preparing for winter and all that it entails. Enjoy the transition and be certain to check out my favorite autumn recipes such as stuffed acorn squash and delicious roasted chicken. Autumn is here, may yours be perfectly beautiful!