This entire arrangement took less than an hour to put together! Yes, it’s true and anyone can do it. I found this beautiful basket at @target. It has a flat back with a small leather strap to hang it by on the backside, perfect for walls or doors. I found the leaf branches and other everlasting bunches at @Joannfabrics, as well as the ribbon. Here is what I started out with…
I already had some of the pumpkins ans squashes as well as the dried seed pods, but these can be found in any craft store. I start with the tallest branches. Be sure to splay out the branches so that they will have a more natural shape. Plus by opening them up, they take up more space and will naturally make sticking things in between them easier and more supported.
After the larger branches, etc, are in place, it is time to add the more prominent features. Since the pumpkins and gourds are typically made of a styrofoam type material, it is easy to stick a bamboo skewer or floral pick into the bottom of them. Make sure it is in deep enough and long enough to get deep into the basket. Place the pumpkins and apples, etc. in clustered groupings for better visual balance.
For the finishing touch, I added a bow fastened with floral wire. There you have it, a beautiful fall display for your entry or as a statement wall decor for the season!